March 26, 2025

Archives for February 2012

Shannon County Commissioner Redistricting

Due to large population discrepancies between commissioner districts the Shannon County commissioners are considering changes to the districts. The legal descriptions for the new districts and a map showing the new districts can be viewed below.

Shannon Co Ordinance #2012-01, Commission Redistricting

District #1:
• Beginning at the SE corner of Section 36, Twp 37, Rg 41
• thence north along the county line to NE corner of Section 25, Twp 39, Rg 41
• thence west along the north line of Section 25, Twp 39, Rg 41 to the intersection with the Medicine Root Tribal District eastern boundary
• thence northerly along the Medicine Root Tribal District boundary to Chockcherry Dr
• thence northerly along Chockcherry Dr to BIA 401
• thence northerly along BIA 401 to the intersection with the north line of Section 11, Twp 39, Rg 41
• thence westerly along the section line to the intersection of BIA 2
• thence westerly along BIA 2 to BIA 27
• thence northwesterly along BIA 27 to the intersection with the north line of section 33, Twp 40, Rg 43
• thence west along the north line of section 33, twp 40, rg 43 to the NW corner of sect 33, twp 40, rg 43
• thence south along the section line to the SE corner of section 32, twp 37, rg 43
• thence west along the section line to the NW corner of Section 1, twp 36, rg 44
• thence south along the section line to the SW corner of section 13, twp 36, rg 44,
• thence east along the section line to the intersection with Tribal Route 123, thence east along Tribal Route 123 to intersection with BIA 27
• thence northerly along BIA 27 to the intersection with the north line of section 3, twp 36, rg 43
• thence easterly along the section line to the point of beginning.

District #2:
• Beginning at the SW corner of Section 33, Twp 37, Rg 48
• thence northerly along the county boundary to the NW corner of section 33, twp 39, rg 48
• thence easterly along the section line to the NE corner of section 36, twp 39, rg 45
• thence southerly along the section line to the SW corner of the NW1/4 of section 19, twp 38, rg 44
• thence easterly along the quarter section line to the intersection with BIA 33,
• thence southerly along BIA 33 to the intersection with BIA 28,
• thence southerly along BIA 28 to the intersection with the eastern line of section 17, twp 37, rg 43
• thence southerly along the section line to the SE corner of section 32, twp 37, rg 43
• thence west along the section line to the intersection with the dirt road continuing from the end of BIA 38,
• thence southerly along said road to BIA 38,
• thence southerly along BIA 38 to US Highway 18,
• thence westerly along US Highway 18 to intersection with the north line of section 6, twp 36, rg 45
• thence westerly along the section line to the point of beginning.

District #3:
• Beginning at the NE corner of Section 25, Twp 39, Rg 41
• thence west along the north line of Section 25, Twp 39, Rg 41 to the intersection with the Medicine Root Tribal District eastern boundary,
• thence northerly along the Medicine Root Tribal District boundary to Chockcherry Dr,
• thence northerly along Chockcherry Dr to BIA 401,
• thence northerly along BIA 401 to the intersection with the north line of Section 11, Twp 39, Rg 41
• thence westerly along the section line to the intersection of BIA 2,
• thence westerly along BIA 2 to BIA 27,
• thence northwesterly along BIA 27 to the intersection with the north line of section 33, Twp 40, Rg 43,
• thence west along the north line of section 33, twp 40, rg 43 to the NW corner of sect 33, twp 40, rg 43
• thence south along the section line to the intersection of BIA 28
• thence northwesterly along BIA 28 to the intersection with BIA 33,
• thence northerly along BIA 33 to the intersection of the east-west quarter line of section 24, twp 38, rg 44,
• thence westerly along the quarter line to the SW corner of the NW1/4 of section 19, twp 38, rg 44
• thence northerly along the section line to the NE corner of section 36, twp 39, rg 45
• thence westerly along the section line to the county boundary,
• thence northerly along the county boundary to the NW corner of section 23, twp 43, rg 47 ,
• thence easterly along the county boundary to the NE corner of section 13, twp 43, rg 41,
• thence southerly along the county boundary to the point of beginning.

District #4:
• Beginning at the SW corner of the County, thence north along the section line to the NW corner of Section 5, twp 36, rg 48,
• thence easterly along the section line to the intersection with US Highway 18,
• thence southerly along US Highway 18 to the intersection with BIA 38,
• thence northeasterly along BIA 38,
• thence northeasterly along the dirt road continuing from the end of BIA 38 to the intersection with the north line of section 3, twp 36, rg 45,
• thence easterly along the section line to the intersection with BIA 33,
• thence southerly along BIA 33 to US Highway 18,
• thence southerly along US Highway 18 to North Ridge Lp,
• thence easterly along North Ridge Lp to Santee St,
• thence Easterly along Santee St to Prairie View Ave,
• thence southerly along Prairie View Ave to Sitting Bull Rd,
• thence easterly and then southerly along Sitting Bull Rd to US Highway 18,
• thence westerly along US Highway 18 to Cherokee Ave,
• thence southerly along Cherokee Ave to Dakota Ave,
• thence westerly along Dakota Ave to Crazy Horse Loop,
• thence southerly along Crazy Horse Loop to Sage St,
• thence westerly along Sage St to Arapahoe Ave,
• thence southerly along Arapahoe Ave to Cottonwood St,
• thence southeasterly along Cottonwood St to the end of Cottonwood St,
• thence southerly along the unnamed dirt road running from Cottonwood St to Fraggle Rock Rd,
• thence westerly along Fraggle Rock Rd to Highway 407,
• thence southerly along Highway 407 to the south county boundary,
• thence westerly along the county boundary to the point of beginning.

District #5:
• Beginning at the SE corner of Shannon County,
• thence northerly along the county boundary to the NE corner of section 1, twp 36, rg 41,
• thence westerly along the section line to the intersection with BIA 27,
• thence southerly along BIA 27 to Tribal Route 123,
• thence westerly along Tribal Route 123 to the NW corner of section 19, twp 36, rg 43,
• thence westerly along the section line to the SW corner of section 13, twp 36, rg 44,
• thence northerly along the section line to the NW corner of Section 1, twp 36, rg 44,
• thence westerly along the section line to BIA 33,
• thence southerly along BIA 33 to US Highway 18,
• thence southerly along US Highway 18 to North Ridge Lp,
• thence easterly along North Ridge Lp to Santee St,
• thence Easterly along Santee St to Prairie View Ave,
• thence southerly along Prairie View Ave to Sitting Bull Rd,
• thence easterly and then southerly along Sitting Bull Rd to US Highway 18, thence westerly along US Highway 18 to Cherokee Ave,
• thence southerly along Cherokee Ave to Dakota Ave,
• thence westerly along Dakota Ave to Crazy Horse Loop,
• thence southerly along Crazy Horse Loop to Sage St,
• thence westerly along Sage St to Arapahoe Ave,
• thence southerly along Arapahoe Ave to Cottonwood St,
• thence southeasterly along Cottonwood St to the end of Cottonwood St,
• thence southerly along the unnamed dirt road running from Cottonwood St to Fraggle Rock Rd,
• thence westerly along Fraggle Rock Rd to Highway 407,
• thence southerly along Highway 407 to the south county boundary,
• thence easterly along the county boundary to the point of beginning.

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