March 26, 2025

Archives for October 2013

Deadlines Approaching

Deadlines This Week:

Thursday, October 31st: Property Taxes are due. Payments made after this deadline will include interest and fees.

Friday, November 1st: Yearly Tax Exempt form are due to the Director of Equalization if you organization want to maintain property tax exemption in the following year. Churches, community centers, and other charitable organizations fall into this category. Make sure your organization has it’s forms turned in so you do not lose your property tax exempt status.

Agricultural Related Questions – 2013 Blizzard Recovery

Livestock Loss

  • Producers need to document their livestock loss. Proper documentation is critical to ensure processing of potential claims
  • Suggested record keeping would include dates, photos, description of animals (type of livestock, number of head, weight, sex, age, etc.), vaccination records, pregnancy test records, hauling receipts, collection of all identification tags and any other information that would verify the loss. A third-party signature and statement to verify losses will most likely be required. Veterinarians, extension offices, and many other resources may be verifying third party agents. Employees and family members are not eligible.
  • Conservation Districts can serve as third party verifiers for producers documenting livestock loss. Producers can call the Conservation District office in their county at the following numbers: Fall River – 605-745-4007, Custer – 605-673-4971, Bennett – 605-685-1243

Rendering Services

  • The South Dakota Animal Industry Board (AIB) will be coordinating disposal of livestock carcasses on state roads and state right of ways with Dakota Rendering Service.
  • For carcass disposal information, contact the AIB at 605-773-3321
  • Carcasses located on or along county-owned or privately owned roadways must be removed by the respective county or private owner of the roadway
  • The removal of carcasses located on private land is the responsibility of the animal owner or land owner.
  • AIB provides guidance for on-farm carcass disposal on their website at:

Livestock Identification

  • The State Brand Board inspector will be involved in identifying livestock and livestock carcasses
  • Dakota Rendering Service and County Emergency Management offices are providing livestock identification to the Animal Industry  Board (AIB).
  • If a producer locates carcasses on his/her land which are not theirs, they can contact AIB or their County Emergency Management office to provide the livestock information to them.
  • AIB also has available a fillable pdf form on their website, which producers can use to report death losses. This reporting is voluntary, and does not replace the record-keeping that should be doen by individual producers. The livestock death loss report can be obtained at
  • If you have questions regarding livestock identification you can contact the State Brand Board at 605-773-3324


Emergency Manager for Shannon and Fall River Counties: Frank Maynard, 605-745-7562

Helpline: 877-708-4357 or 2-1-1

Additional information on helplines, volunteers, assistance, and donations can be found here:Fact Sheet – 2013 Blizzard

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