March 9, 2025

OLC Hazard Mitigation Plan – Public Review

The current draft of the OST and OLC Hazard Mitigation Plan is now available for Public Review online. This draft includes the latest revisions that were discussed at the second round of meetings.

You may review the draft at the project website:

The draft will now be made available for a 30-day public comment period, which lasts from Thursday, June 27th to Saturday, July 27th, 2019. At the end of this period, the complete multi-jurisdictional plan will be submitted to the South Dakota Department of Public Safety and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for final approval.

This is your last opportunity to review the plan and submit to JEO any requested changes or corrections, prior to its submission to SDDPS and FEMA.

Statewide Tornado Drill

South Dakota will have its Statewide Tornado Drill on Wednesday, April 24th, 2019.  Sirens will blow!

A statewide tornado drill will be conducted for South Dakota by the National Weather Service between 9:00 and 9:30 am MDT (10:00 and 10:30 am CDT) on Wednesday, April 24.  Because the exercise is used to ensure communications and warning systems are functioning properly before storm season, people will see and hear the actual alerts used for tornadoes.

Outdoor warning sirens will be sounded in many towns.  The sirens may not be heard inside homes and office buildings, as they are intended to alert people who are outdoors away from radio or TV.

The drill will also include activation of the Emergency Alert System, which will interrupt local media broadcasts.  The scroll on broadcast television and cable TV channels will look like a real warning, while the NOAA Weather Radio and broadcast audio will be identified as a test.

Local emergency response agencies may practice their response procedures and many schools will conduct safety drills for their students.

Cell phone alerts and other electronic notification systems will not be involved in the test.

People do not need to take any action during the drill, but they are encouraged to make plans to protect themselves and their families before storms develop.  Don’t wait until the storm is headed toward you as there won’t be time.  Information about storm safety is available from county emergency management offices or visit the following web sites:

Rapid City National Weather Service:

American Red Cross:

Federal Emergency Management Agency:

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County Appeal Board – Rescheduled

The Oglala Lakota County appeal board was to meet on Friday, April 12th.  This meeting has been moved to Friday, April 19th.  The meeting will be held on the 3rd floor of the Fall River County Courthouse in Hot Springs (906 N River St)

1st Half Taxes Due – April 30th

The first half of taxes are due to the Treasurer’s Office by end of day on Tuesday, April 30th.  In addition, all taxes under $50 are due and payable in full on or before April 30th.  Please bring your tax payment stubs with you or include them in your envelope if you are paying by mail. If you would like a tax receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Tax payments MUST be postmarked by April 30th or interest is automatically applied. Please notify the Treasurer’s office of any changes to your mailing address.


Treasurer’s Office
906 N. River St.
Hot Springs, SD  57747
Phone: (605) 745-5145
Fax:  (605) 745-3530
[email protected]

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