March 26, 2025

Magistrate Court

The Magistrate Court Judge serving Fall River and Oglala Lakota Counties rotates within the Seventh Circuit to serve Fall River for a one year term, serving Jan 1-Dec 31.

The judge for 2023 is Hyronimus.


Magistrate Court 2023 – Wednesdays

JAN 4th 18th 25th
FEB 1st 8th 22nd
MAR 1st 15th 29th (trial)
APR 5th 19th 26th
MAY 10th 17th 24th
JUN 7th 14th 28th (trial)
JUL 12th 19th 26th
AUG 2th 16th 23rd 30th
SEP 6th 14th 26th (trial)
OCT 4th 11th 25th
NOV 1st 15th 29th
DEC 6th 13th 29th (trial)

Two parking lots exist: beside the courthouse to the north next to the jail; and across the street.  Do not park in the parking lot across the street marked for the Braun Hotel as this parking lot is for hotel business only and vehicles may be towed.

You are reminded when entering the courthouse that you may be screened.  Additionally, it is illegal to bring knives or weapons into a courthouse.  To avoid delay, leave all pocketknives, multi-tool pliers, chemical and pepper spray, weapons, or unneeded items in your car.


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