March 18, 2025

Photo of Badlands Scenery.

The county is entirely within the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and contains part of Badlands National Park. It is an alcohol prohibition or dry county; taxes on alcohol consumed within the county go to other counties.

Oglala Lakota County is one of two counties in South Dakota that does not have its own county seat (Todd County is the other). Hot Springs in neighboring Fall River County serves as its administrative center. It is also one of five South Dakota counties that are entirely on an Indian reservation. (The others are Corson, Dewey, Todd, and Ziebach.) [Article: Why Does a Reservation County also have a County Government?]

Oglala Lakota County was renamed in May of 2015, originally it had been named Shannon County. Until 1982 Oglala Lakota and Washabaugh County, South Dakota, were the last unorganized counties in the United States. Although it was organized and received a home rule charter that year, Oglala Lakota County, as noted above, contracts with Fall River County for its Auditor, Treasurer, Director of Equalization, State’s Attorney and Registrar of Deeds.



Address Update Needed

We need updated addresses!  The following individuals had assessment notices returned to our office for Fall River and Oglala Lakota County. We don’t want anyone to miss their chance to appeal or be informed of changes to their property.  If you recognize a name please let that person know to contact our office, 605-745-5136, so […]

Notice of Annual Alert & Warning Functional Exercise

On March 26, 2025, at 13:30, we will conduct our annual Alert & Warning Functional Exercise. This will be a complete test of our Alert & Warning Systems to include: Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) NOAA Weather Radio Public Warning Messages (Subscription Based) Outdoor Alert Sirens Emergency Alert System (EAS)

Local Board Deadline

If you own property in the Town of Batesland the deadline to appeal your property value is this Thursday, March 13th 2025. Your appeal must be filed with your local board (postmark counts) by that date. Batesland Rena Conroy PO Box 138 Batesland, SD 57716 For all other properties in Oglala Lakota County you have […]

Courthouse Closed – President’s Day

The Oglala Lakota & Fall River County Courthouse in Hot Springs will be closed, Monday, February 17th, in observance of President’s Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th.

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