March 23, 2025


The county Sheriff assures that all the laws of the state are executed and enforced.  They are also responsible for pursuing and apprehending all felons, and executing all writs, warrants, and other processes from any court or magistrate.

Pistol permit requirements-
You must obtain your Enhanced certificate and have your fingerprints already complete prior to coming in to fill out the application form for Enhanced Permits.
You must have your fingerprint process already completed prior to coming in to fill out the application form for Gold Card Permits.
Your Address must be current on your Driver’s license and you need to provide the current address on the application form.

OL Pistol permit app pdf
Pistol permit info
Pistol permit reciprocity
Pistol permit FAQ

Mark Mesteth
906 N. River St.
Hot Springs, SD  57747
Phone: (605) 891-5819
Fax:  (605) 745-6835


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