District 1: Arthur Hopkins, PO Box 455, Kyle, SD 57752, Phone: 605-441-0966
District 2: Anna Takes The Shield, PO Box 845, Pine Ridge, SD 57770, Phone: 605-441-4996
District 3: Allyssa Comer, 1227 BIA 33, Porcupine, SD 57772, Phone: 605-407-1839
District 4: Wendell Yellow Bull, PO Box 839, Pine Ridge, SD 57770, Phone: 605-441-6405
District 5: Ramon Bear Runner, PO Box 2027, Pine Ridge, SD 57770, Phone: 605-441-5768
Next Meeting Time:
The Commission regularly meets at 1:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month in the Third Floor Meeting Room of the courthouse located in Hot Springs.
Agendas are finalized 24 hours prior to the meeting and will then be posted on the website. Contact the Auditor at 605-745-5130 by Monday at 4:00 pm (the week of the meeting), if you have an item to add to the agenda.
To contact the commissioners via email, send an email to the county auditor at [email protected]
Recent Meeting Minutes:
Archives for prior year minutes: 2025, 2024, 2023, and 2022 – 2011
County Policy Manual
The Oglala Lakota County Commissioners are currently developing an Employee Handbook.
Each county has a board of 3-5 Commissioners who are elected to a 4 year term. They are responsible for the oversight of every service that each county office provides. In general, County Commissioners are responsible for the spending of the taxpayers dollars; the approval of county office budgets; and as a board of equalization, to equalize the assessment roll of the county in the manner provided by law; to superintend the fiscal concerns of the county and secure their management in the best possible manner; to regulate the transaction of business in alcoholic beverages; to make ordinances; and zoning, solid waste and water management along with a host of other issues that arise affecting the county.
Ordinance 2012-01 Districts
Ordinance 2014-01 On-sale License
Ordinance 2021-01 Medical Marijuana
Ordinance 2021-01 Medical Marijuana Revised
Variance 2021-01 A Medical Marijuana Variance
Ordinance 2022-01 Redistricting