In South Dakota the annual renewal month is determined by the first letter of the owner’s last name or the first letter of the company’s name (see table to below). Registrations may be renewed within 90 days of expiration, which is on the last day of the renewal month.
January | For names starting with | A,B |
February | For names starting with | C,D,E |
March | For names starting with | F,G,J |
May | For names starting with | H,I,O |
June | For names starting with | K,L |
July | For names starting with | M,N |
August | For names starting with | P,Q,R |
September | For names starting with | S |
November | For names starting with | T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z |
Know your county- South Dakota residents must register their vehicles in the county they reside in.
Renewal Options
South Dakota DMV Now Kiosks:
South Dakota has kiosks available to assist the public in renewing their county vehicle registration and may be used to renew ANY county registration across South Dakota. Use of the kiosks requires a South Dakota driver’s license or ID, and the user must be an owner listed on the title. They are not able to process renewals under a business name only, with an out of state driver’s license or ID, or by a non-owner of the vehicle.
Kiosks can not renew a registration that is 8 months or more expired
Additional kiosk locations in other counties may be found here Find a Kiosk – South Dakota DMV Now Locator & Info ( The kiosks can also update your contact information, file a report of sale, print a seller’s permit, renew your driver’s license or apply for a duplicate SD driver’s License or ID card.
Convenience fees apply.
605Drive Online Portal:
Registrations may be renewed by vehicle owners online with their South Dakota driver’s license or ID. When renewing online you must renew at least 10 days before the registration expiration date, and the registration will be mailed to the address on record. If you need to update your address you will need to contact the Oglala Lakota County Treasurer’s Office at 605-745-5145 or by email [email protected] to update your address before you renew online
With the Oglala Lakota County Treasurer’s Office
There are two ways to renew your registration with the Treasurer’s Office- in person or by mail
To renew in person, you will need to present your driver’s license or ID and provide a valid phone number If you are coming in to renew for someone else you will need to bring a current id, and we will have you sign a document stating that you are allowed to renew the registration. At the counter we accept cash, personal checks, cashier’s checks, money orders, debit cards and credit cards.
Debit cards in person with use of a pin # are subject to a $2.50 service fee
Credit cards are subject to a 2.5% service fee
To renew through the mail, send in the renewal card for the vehicles along with the appropriate payment, including the postage and handling fees shown on the card (you must add the postage listed to the total on the bottom of the card). Allow two weeks for processing. Through the mail we accept cashier’s checks, money orders, or personal checks. Please send your request to Oglala Lakota County Treasurer’s Office at 906 N. River St., Hot Springs, SD 57747.
Payment options
Our system is not set up to take prepaid debit cards, gift cards or loaded employee payroll cards.
Checks, Money Orders, and Cashier’s Checks should be made payable to Oglala Lakota County Treasurer.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards are accepted and subject to a 2.5% service charge.
Debit cards in person with use of a pin # are subject to a $2.50 service charge.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the registration fees for a vehicle or trailer?
In South Dakota registration fees are based on the weight and age of the vehicle or trailer and must be renewed annually. The registration fee charts may be found by visiting the DOR website.
Additional fees:
Wheel tax: $2.00 per wheel
Solid Waste: $1.00 ($0.50 for two wheeled trailers)
Highway Patrol: $1.00
What are the registration fees for a boat?
In South Dakota registration fees for a watercraft are based on the length of the watercraft and if it is motorized and must be renewed annually.
Non-Motorized boat over 12 feet long – $15.00
Motorized boat under 19 feet long – $25.00
Motorized boat 19 feet or more – $45.00
Non-Motorized boats 12 feet and under are not registered in South Dakota.
What are the registration fees for an ATV\off-road or motorcycle?
In South Dakota registration fees for ATV\off-road and motorcycles are based on the age and engine CCs. The registration fee charts may be found by visiting the DOR website.
Additional fees:
Wheel tax: $2.00 per wheel
Solid Waste: $1.00 ($0.50 for motorcycles and two wheeled ATV\off-road)
Highway Patrol: $1.00
What are the registration fees for a snowmobile?
In South Dakota registration fees for snowmobiles are $10.00 annually.
I have sold my vehicle; can I get a refund on the registration?
South Dakota statute does not provide for a refund when a vehicle is sold. The plates should be removed from a sold vehicle as they stay with the owner, not the vehicle. If you purchase a vehicle, you may transfer the license plates from the sold vehicle to receive credit for any remaining registration. Once the plates have expired, they become dead and cannot be transferred.
The exception is commercial plates, which may be surrendered for a refund of the remaining registration. The Refund Request form must be filled out and submitted along with both plates and the registration card when requesting a refund on commercial plates.
I renewed the registration on a vehicle in error.
If the registration for a vehicle was renewed in error, a refund may be applied for. The Refund Request form must be received within 90 days from the date it was renewed along with the decals which must be returned unused and still originally attached to the registration card. Once the decals have been removed from the registration card no refund will be issued. Please allow 2-4 weeks for the refund request to be processed.
Is there an exemption on registration for disabled veterans?
South Dakota state statue allows for disabled veterans to receive special plates (maximum of two sets) for their vehicles or motorcycles. To qualify for the veteran plates you must supply your most recent letter of benefits along with the application. For more information on if you qualify for the plates see the DOR website.
No registration fees are charged for the disabled veteran plates. There is a $10.00 annual fee, and a $7.50 initial mailing fee for the special plates.
As of July 1st, 2024, state statue allows a qualifying disabled veteran to get regular county plates for the cost of the special disabled veteran plate (maximum of two sets). The complete application and benefit letter will still be needed.
What specialty plates does South Dakota offer?
There are multiple specialty plates that are available for South Dakota residents. To qualify for a specialty plate the vehicle owner must have a South Dakota driver’s license or ID, or be able to provide proof of residency in South Dakota. There are additional restrictions or requirements for some special plate types and additional fees apply. Please see the DOR website for more information on the available plate types, requirements, and additional plate and state mailing fees.
Acceptable proof of residency if the owner does not have a South Dakota driver’s license or ID include a utility bill, internet\cable bill, rental\lease agreement, property\rental insurance statement, or paystub or earning statement.
If you are applying for a different plate type outside of the registration renewal month the current plates on the vehicle must be surrendered at the time of application. For most special plate types a 45 days temporary permit will be given at the time of application and your new plates and registration will be mailed to you from the state once approved.
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