March 25, 2025

Real Estate Taxes

The Treasurer’s Office is best known by the public for collecting real estate taxes.  Real Estate taxes account for the majority of revenue in the county budget.  The Treasurer is not only responsible for collecting taxes for the county, but the city and school districts as well.  Real Estate taxes are paid one year in arrears. (Example: taxes that accrue in 2020  are due and payable in 2021.)  Tax notices are mailed by mid-February.   First half property taxes are due by April 30th; second half are due by October 31st.  Special assessments are due by April 30th also.

In addition, all taxes under $50 are due and payable in full on or before April 30th.  Please bring your tax payment stubs with you or include them in your envelope if you are paying by mail. If you would like a tax receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Tax payments MUST be postmarked by April 30th and October 31st, respectively, or interest is automatically applied. Please notify our office of any changes to your mailing address.

For  information regarding the Senior Citizens or Disabled Persons tax assessment freeze, please call our office 605-745-5145.

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